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LEARNING YOUR WAY TO A HEALTHY BRAIN: Physical Activity, Movement and Brain Health

An Information guide on Brain Health for Older Adults

Benefits of Movement, Physical Activity and Exercise




Adults ages 65 years and older gain substantial health benefits from all kinds of physical activity. "Physical activity," can refer to any  kind of movement  - exercise and fitness  activity, as well as activities such as daily chores like laundry,  ironing, cleaning out a closet or outdoor activity like gardening, weeding, painting patio furniture, walking to the mailbox, shopping, etc.   It's all good!

Be sure to check out AgeFriendly RI's Virtual Community Center. They offer online fitness and gardening programs.

...And always check with your doctor before starting any physical activity program, better yet, ask them for suggestions.

Printable Handouts


You Tube has many freely accessible movement videos.  Try searching: Yoga; Chair Yoga; Low Impact aerobics; Tai Chi, etc.  Add the words "for seniors" to each of these search terms or phrases to focus in on videos geared toward older adults.  

For those who subscribe to Amazon Prime there are numerous exercise videos available  in their collection which are free with the Prime subscription.  


Internet Articles

Books from RI Public Libraries

The 3 links directly below will find additional resources from your public libraries on exercise and movement activities and below those are individual titles of interest.