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Print, Copy, Scan & Computers


Black and white and color printing for students is available from public desktop computers on the main level 3 of the library. 

Each semester, all enrolled students receive $12.50 worth of credits good for 250 black and white pages. 

The printed pages are deducted from this balance.  Black and white prints are deducted at $.05 per page and color prints are deducted at $.25 per page. If students exceed this amount, they will be billed.

Selecting Black and White Printing or Color Printing

Whether you are in a web browser like Chrome or Microsoft Office product like Word, you will see 2 different printers when you try to print.

Black and White printing is listed as: AL3FL-PD-HP-BW1 on print 10

Color printing is listed as: AL3FL-PD-HP-CLR1 on print 10


Adams Library Printers


Adams Library Printers

Printing in the Library

Printing Costs and "Free Printing"

Printing Balances