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An Information guide on Brain Health for Older Adults

Learning your Way to a Healthy Brain

undefined   Learning Your Way to a Healthy Brain       

This guide presents freely accessible information resources  on improving and maintaining cognitive (brain) functioning and encouraging brain-healthy behaviors for Rhode Island's older population.

The project* is a collaboration of the James P. Adams Library at  Rhode Island College and Age - Friendly Rhode Island  which have teamed up to provide both a platform and presentations on brain health information resources.

NNLM Grant

*This project is funded by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Cooperative Agreement Number UG4LMO12347 with the University of Massachusetts Medical School,  Worcester.    

Using this Libguide

In Appreciation

Many  thanks to librarians and colleagues,  Dragan Gill (Asst. Prof.)  and Kieran Ayton  (Assoc. Prof) of the James P Adams Library at RIC for their technical support in the  preparation of this guide. 


Rachel H. Carpenter, Associate Professor, Emerita.  Adams Library Rhode Island College.

Navigating through this guide

undefined   To navigate through this guide,  simply point and click on the tabs shown above. The tabs open pages which present  information in the form of links to popular themed and scholarly articles, books, videos, resources from local public libraries, and  infographics and websites on the World Wide Web. State and  federal agencies and local, national, and international advocacy organizations are also included.

Guide and Contact Information

          The resources in this guide were chosen because they are, for the most part, freely accessible and from reliable sources.  If information appears incorrect, misleading, outside the purpose of this guide, or if links are broken, please inform the guide creator, Rachel Carpenter.

This guide's platform is known as a Springshare Libguide.  The James P Adams Library at Rhode Island College, which subscribes to Springshare Libguides, is collaborating with Age Friendly RI on this grant project. Adams Library will be hosting the guide on its website and will be involved in the guide's oversight.

          It is possible that a given site or resource may include links to resources which request a payment or sign in. Do not feel obligated to submit payment or sign up.  Should you have questions about the resource,  feel free to contact librarians at your local library.

          Should anyone find or become aware of resources appropriate for this guide, please share them with the guide creator for possible inclusion.