As the end of the semester approaches many students have final projects and papers due - research papers, literature reviews and seminar papers all require outside sources, including books from the library. We know the Adams Library can be a little confusing to navigate, so we've added a new tool to the catalog to help you find your way!
Step 1: Search the Catalog
From the library homepage you can narrow your search to Books and RIC Only. Or, if you have time to request books from another library, leave your search on Worldwide, to search more than 16,000 libraries or HELIN, to search within our local librarian consortium.
Step 2: Find the Call Number
Call numbers are used to organize books by subject on the shelves; they're sort of like a street address, but they also can help you find more on your topic. Adams Library, like most college libraries, uses the Library of Congress classification system, which arranges books by letter then numbers. As you continue to research in your major you may become more familiar with the call numbers related to your research. Save the call number or numbers you need! In this example the call number is: RT85 .C63 2015.
Step 3: Use the Locate Link
Our new catalog tool helps you navigate from searching in the catalog to finding the book on the shelf. In the results list, just click on Locate next the call number. Or, if you've clicked on the title to read more about the book, click on Locate in the Where is It? box, to the right. If there's an eBook, this box will provide a link to read it online. If we do not own a copy at Adams Library there will be a link to request the book through Interlibrary Loan or to get it from a HELIN library.
Step 4: Library Maps
As you navigate the building you'll find maps of the library next to the staircases and elevators. Use these to help you on your way!
You are always welcome to ask for further help, whether it's navigating the library building or any phase of your research process.
Popular EBSCO library databases such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, CINAHL, and SOCIndex have updated to a new look and user experience.
Listen to Articles
Most PDFs and HTML full text articles are now available as text-to-speech. You can download an MP3 version of the article or listen to it online.
Limit Your Search Results
Previously, search result sorting tools such as “Peer Reviewed,” “Full Text,” or “Date Range” were on the left side of your search results. Now these tools have moved to the top of your search results.
Save Articles and Searches
You will notice the left bar has changed, allowing you to easily save articles and whole searches and add them to a “projects” folders.
How to Bookmark Links
Please be careful when bookmarking links from the top of the screen in the URL bar. To access these links later on, you will be prompted to login to a personal EBSCO database account that you create. Please reach out to Kieran Ayton, Electronic Resources Librarian, for help at