Friends of the James P. Adams Library
The Friends of the James P. Adams Library is an organization founded in 1998 by a group of concerned Rhode Island College faculty, staff and administrators. The Friends are advocates and supporters for the Library, both on campus and in the surrounding community.

Our Mission
- Advocate on behalf of the Library and its Director to the community at large.
- Obtain support for the Library from public and private sources.
- Promote the Library as a resource center for college and community activities.
We are fortunate at Rhode Island College to have the James P. Adams Library, an outstanding facility that plays a tremendous role in our college academic, intellectual and cultural endeavors. In 1913 Thomas Edison predicted that "books will soon be obsolete in the schools as it is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture." Similar statements are heard today as we move further into the electronic age and more information becomes available online. Still, the library will remain the core of college life. It will be the resource center for information and continue to attract the support of members of our community.