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HIST 282 - The Great War / Schneider, Joanne

Tools and research strategies for finding resources on the Great War
Subjects: History Tags: first world war, the great war, world war i, wwi

Guides to Primary Sources

"Discovery" of Primary Sources


Although some of the resources listed in this LibGuide are direct access points to primary documents or collections of primary sources, a fundamental concept of historical research is the discovery of primary sources through the use of secondary and even tertiary sources.  The bibliographies, reference lists, works cited, or Notes sections of any well constructed academic monograph or journal article should contain either direct citation of primary sources or secondary source pathways to primary sources.  These constitute ready-made literature reviews for fellow scholars. 


Never let a secondary or tertiary work leave your hands without examining the notes and the bibliography for useful material.  Remember: these academic authors have already combed the literature to a greater or lesser extent.  Capitalize on the work they have already done in your area of interest.


In the spirit of this advice, remember that sources such as Researching World War I: A Handbook [REF D522.4 .R47 2003 ] will lead you to key secondary sources which, in turn, will point you to relevant primary sources used by those authors.