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Academic and Professional Ethics Across Disciplines

A growing collection of codes of conduct, statements of professional ethics, and research ethics resources relevant to disciplines taught at Rhode Island College.

American Institute of Biological Sciences

The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) is an "organization that advances the biological sciences for the benefit of all science and society."

American Chemical Society

The American Chemistry Society (ACS) seeks to "advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and all its people. Our vision is to improve all people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry".

American Physical Society

The American Physical Society (APS) intends to "advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics for the benefit of humanity, promote physics, and serve the broader physics community".

Columbia University: Responsible Conduct of Research Courses

Columbia University provides training to researchers from all backgrounds in research ethics, called the RCR training.

University of Illinois - National Center for Principled Leadership & Research Ethics

The University of Illinois also provides ethical resources and training to scientific researchers.

National Institutes of Health Tutorials and Case Studies

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), funded through the US Department of Health, provide many important resources and trainings for health researchers.