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Academic and Professional Ethics Across Disciplines

A growing collection of codes of conduct, statements of professional ethics, and research ethics resources relevant to disciplines taught at Rhode Island College.

National Council on Public History

The National Council on Public History (NCPH) is an organization dedicated to public history, and promotes the cooperation of historians and the public. To this end, they have published a code of ethics for historians involved with the public.

Oral History Association

The Oral History Association (OHA) serves oral historians and other interested parties internationally, and works to promote ethical standards relating to the practice of oral history.


American Historical Association

The American Historical Association seeks to promote historical work and emphasis the importance of historical context in daily life. They have also developed a code of ethics for historians at all levels.

American Association of State & Local History

The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) is an American organization that seeks to promote historical practice at the state and local level. They provide resources to those who preserve and interpret state and local history.

Principals & Standards for Federal Government Historical Programs

The Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG) works to address the concerns of and support the federal historical community.

Network of Concerned Historians

The Network of Concerned Historians has complied international resources relating to ethics in the histories.


The Organization of American Historians (OAH) is aimed at "promoting excellence in the scholarship, teaching, and presentation of that (United States) history".