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How to Promote Library News, Events & Exhibits

Event and Exhibit LibGuides

Guides created for exhibits and events:

When on display/up and/or in promotion of an event:

  • Should have the subject "Library Exhibits & Events"
    • Others may be added as appropriate
  • Should be a topic guide type and have no group

When the exhibit/event is over:

  • Should no longer have the subject "Library Exhibits & Events"
  • Should move into the group "Past Exhibits & Events"

These display here: and here:

Other Online Content for Exhibits & Events

  1. Create a guide with the appropriate title, subject, topic, type, group, tags, etc.
  2. In the gear/settings menu, select "Redirect URL" and past the URL for the other online content.
  3. Publish the guide.

This will add the content to subject and group lists and make it discoverable in a library website search, but redirect users to the other online content.