All the books within this LibGuide will be located at the entrance to Adams Library on Level 3 for the duration of the exhibit. If you are looking for more books on the topic, use the instructions below.
If the record for a book indicates it is AVAILABLE you can locate the book in the circulating collection of the Library. Not sure where it is in the building? Use the Location Guides posted near the Reference Desk to check by the call number you found in the Library Catalog.
Books on Holocaust history will generally have call numbers beginning with "D" and be shelved on Level 1B. Biographies will be found on the same level with call numbers beginning with "CT."
Class C -- Auxiliary Sciences of History
Main Articles: Library of Congress Classification: Class C -- Auxiliary Sciences of History
Class D -- Eastern European History
Main Article: Library of Congress Classification: Class D - History, General, and Old World