1980-Today's News
[1923-1980 access is limited]
Rhode Island College faculty, students, and staff can now access The New York Times Digital Edition through an Academic Site License provided by the Adams Library.
- Visit nytimes.com.
- Log out of NYTimes (if you are currently logged in).
- Click "Log In" at the top, then the "Continue with school or work single sign-on" link at the bottom of page.
- Enter your RIC email on the next page, and go through the login process.
- After registration you can login at NYTimes.com on any device, anywhere in the world.
- You can also download NYT Mobile Apps. For mobile apps, you should login with the New York Times account you just created.
Contact Kieran Ayton (kayton@ric.edu).
RIC's license does NOT include e-reader editions, NYTimes.com tablet apps, Premium Crosswords or the NYT Crosswords apps.
If you have an existing NY Times Account with a non-RIC email: