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Know Your Databases - Language & Literature

Database Recommendations for Literary Queries
Subjects: English & Literature Tags: databases, english, google scholar, jstor, mla international bibliography, modern languages

Overview of Study and its Author

The author, a Library and Information Sciences Graduate Student, published this guide during her Professional Field Experience with James P. Adams Library's Reference Department

  • This guide's database recommendations and overviews derive from a Comparative Performance Study of Bibliographic Databases conducted by the author 
  • The Performance Study was completed with the aim of uncovering each literary database's strengths, weaknesses, and ability to fulfill the informational needs that appear in common literary queries
  • There were four literary test queries involved during the performance evaluation:
  1. Student needs critical articles on Frankenstein (the novel) published within the last 40 years
  2. Student needs critical articles on Frankenstein and feminism published within the last 40 years
  3. Student needs to find articles about Frankenstein in Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900
  4. Student needs to find critical articles about the novels of Elena Ferrante in Italian and English
  • The four literary test queries represent common literary research needs: 
    • The need to find critical articles 
    • The completion of a literature review 
    • The need to find articles in a specific journal 
    • The search for criticism of multilingual texts
  • This guide's recommendations are based on the evaluation of each database's ease of use, the relevance and analysis of results, and the overall performance in regard to the test queries


As a means of illustrating the conducted Performance Study, the following graphs have been posted to represent the evaluation of results for the second test query: Student needs critical articles on Frankenstein and feminism published within the last 40 years. 


  • MLA: MLA International Bibliography Database 
  • LRC: Literature Resource Center Database
  • JSTOR Database
  • Google Scholar