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Know Your Databases - Language & Literature

Database Recommendations for Literary Queries
Subjects: English & Literature Tags: databases, english, google scholar, jstor, mla international bibliography, modern languages


  • Strengths:
    • JSTOR provides result lists with a fair mix of English language and non-English language items
      • Automatically searches "All Languages"
    • After applying a specific language filter, JSTOR returns the most language appropriate results with full text
    • Full text searching is available
    • All journals go back to volume 1 
  • Weaknesses:
    • ​Does not offer the newest publication dates (spanning from the last three to five years)
    • Only offers the choice of about ten languages within the advanced search page's limiter options

MLA International Bibliography

  • Strengths:
    • ​On the main advanced search page, the language limiter offers a selection of about 82 different languages
    • Within the limiter options to the left of the results page, MLA International Bibliography lists the number of items available per language for the specific search
  • Weaknesses:
    • Offers less non-English language items than JSTOR, even after applying a language filter
    • Provides inconsistent full text for items