Faculty develop their ability to create podcasting assignments during this two-part workshop facilitated by Megan Hall, student reporters, and members of the library faculty. Participants will have opportunities to think about where podcasting fits into their pedagogy and build technical skills while creating a simple podcast. Facilitators will discuss media hosting and preservation options for student-made podcasts with attention to accessibility and creator rights.
Megan Hall is host and producer of Possibly, a podcast where they take on “huge problems, like the future of our planet, and break them down into small questions with unexpected answers.” She is producer of the Boston Globe’s Rhode Island Report and Scientific American Custom Media. Hall has a bachelor's degree in urban studies and a master's degree in public health, both from Brown University. She teaches podcasting to undergraduate students at Brown.
Location: Library Instruction Classroom, Level 3, Adams Library
Part 1: 9:30AM-10:30AM, Friday, April 5, 2024 (Option to stay until 11am for consultation and hands-on work)
Part 2: 9:30AM-10:30AM, Friday, April 19, 2024 (Option to stay until 11am for consultation and hands-on work)
Any podcasts created at RIC by RIC students, faculty, and staff can be donated to Special Collections. Deeds of gift and agreements will need to be signed by all parties affiliated with the podcast, which can be supplied to you by the Digital Archivist and Special Collections Librarian. At this time, we will ask if the podcast can be made publicly accessible, only accessible at Rhode Island College, or restricted for a period of time due to privacy and confidentiality concerns. If transcriptions can be provided by the donor, that is preferred. Please note, podcasts will not be accepted without a signed agreement. See sample Consent to Participate and Media Release Form.
For audio files, .aiff or .wav files are preferred file formats. However, we will accept other formats if files cannot be obtained in these higher-quality formats. Each podcast will be supplied with the appropriate metadata, using a combination of the PREMIS data dictionary and Dublin Core descriptive metadata. Two preservation copies of the files will be kept in separate places on the Special Collection’s servers.
Access copies of the files will be provided through RIC Digital Collections and/or a special website or exhibit created in Special Collections in collaboration with the donor(s). We have access to Omeka and WordPress and both could be utilized. If the donors wish to only make the items accessible at RIC, then they will be made accessible through Digital Commons and access is limited to RIC’s IP. If the donors wish for the files to be restricted to everyone for a period of time, then they will not be accessible until the restriction end-date is reached.
Each item will have a set of Dublin Core metadata and Library of Congress Subject Headings and will be available to stream from the respective access site. The files will not be downloadable. Transcripts will also be provided with the file.
The revised General Education program at Rhode Island College includes the current outcome for Research and Information Literacy. The outcome states that students will demonstrate the ability to access, understand, evaluate, and ethically use information to address a wide range of goals or problems. A rubric is provided below. (updated 4/17/2024)
McCarthy, S., Pelletier, M., & McCoy, A. (2021). Talking together: using intercollegiate podcasts for increased engagement in marketing education. Marketing Education Review, 31(2), 125-130.
Forbes, D. L., Khoo, E. G., & Johnson, E. M. (2012). “It gave me a much more personal connection”: Student generated podcasting and assessment in teacher education. In M. Brown, M. Hartnett & T. Stewart (Eds.), Future Challenges, Sustainable Futures. Proceedings of the Ascilite 2012, pp. 326-330.
Balleisen, E. J., & Chin, R. (2022). The case for bringing experiential learning into the humanities. Daedalus, 151(3), 138-152.
Waldron, L. M., Covington, B., & Palmer, S. (2023). Critical pedagogy, counterstorytelling, and the interdisciplinary power of podcasts. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 1-19.
Language Learning
Phillips, B. (2017). Student-produced podcasts in language learning–exploring student perceptions of podcast activities. IAFOR Journal of Education.
Library and Information Studies
Almeida, N. (2016). Podcasting as pedagogy. In N. Pagowsky and K. McElroy (Eds.), Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook. Association of College and Research Libraries.
Herzig, S. (2021). Broadcasting the framework: podcasting in a one-credit information literacy class. College & Research Libraries News, 82(10), 466.
Price, D. M., Strodtman, L., Brough, E., Lonn, S., & Luo, A. (2015). Digital storytelling: an innovative technological approach to nursing education. Nurse Educator, 40(2), 66-70.
Stacey, G., & Hardy, P. (2011). Challenging the shock of reality through digital storytelling. Nurse Education in Practice, 11(2), 159-164.
Pegrum, M., Bartle, E., & Longnecker, N. (2015). Can creative podcasting promote deep learning? The use of podcasting for learning content in an undergraduate science unit. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(1), 142-152.
Social Sciences
Harris, J. (2019). Podcast talk and public sociology: Teaching critical race discourse participation through podcast production. About Campus, 24(3), 16-20.
Oslawski-Lopez, J., & Kordsmeier, G. (2021). “Being Able to Listen Makes Me Feel More Engaged”: Best Practices for Using Podcasts as Readings. Teaching Sociology, 49(4), 335-347.
Social Work
Ferrer, I., Lorenzetti, L., & Shaw, J. (2020). Podcasting for social justice: Exploring the potential of experiential and transformative teaching and learning through social work podcasts. Social Work Education, 39(7), 849-865.
Hitchcock, L. I., Sage, T., Lynch, M., & Sage, M. (2021). Podcasting as a pedagogical tool for experiential learning in social work education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 41(2), 172-191.
Online and Blended Learning
Hall, N. M., & Jones, J. M. (2023). Student-produced podcasts as a teaching and learning tool. American Journal of Distance Education, 37(1), 53-65.
Lewis, S. L., & Francis, R. W. (2020). Podcasting as a mode of motivation in online and blended learning. In T.I. Asino (Ed.), Learning in the Digital Age. Oklahoma State University Libraries.
Podcasting as Scholarship
Beckstead, L., Cook, I. M., & McGregor, H. (2024). Podcast or perish: Peer review and knowledge creation for the 21st century. Bloomsbury Academic. eBook link https://ric.on.worldcat.org/oclc/1398509809
Organizers: Sponsored by the AY23-24 Faculty Development Fund and organized by Adams Library faculty: Amy Barlow, Veronica Denison, and Kieran Ayton. Questions? Contact Amy Barlow (abarlow@ric.edu).