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LGBTQ-Friendly Picture Books for Children (Pre-K to age 8)

This reserve collection was created by Professor Elizabeth H. Rowell to assure that LGT-friendly children's books would always be a part of the James P. Adams Library collection. It includes books about families with Gay, Lesbian and Transgender members

Professor Elizabeth Rowell’s Reserve Collection of LGBTQ-Friendly Children’s Picture Books



The James P. Adams Library is proud to be the home of the LGT–Friendly Children’s Book Collection.  With Professor Rowell's help, the Library has been able to collect and preserve this extensive, historical collection of gay-friendly picture books for young children.


“Today, most early childhood programs and elementary schools offer a wide array of multicultural and multiracial books so that children can see themselves as well as learn about others.  The next step is for programs and schools to choose a wider range of materials that portray children from all family configurations, including those having gay and lesbian and transgender parents. Some children will feel confirmed and others will learn about families different from their own.

The two moms or dads are referred to as parents, and sometimes they are portrayed showing outward signs of affection, such as one having an arm around the other’s shoulder.  Young children from same-sex parent families can recognize themselves, and all are encouraged to talk about the commonalities of happy family lives.  


In addition, we have a number of books which focus on transgender or gender-creative young children and the ways in which they express themselves.   This literature contributes to the validation of many young children’s lives, and promotes understanding and acceptance.


Gay-friendly books can make a positive difference in the classroom: Gay or transgender children or children from same-sex parent families, feel they are included, and other children learn about and gain respect and acceptance for others. When teachers and future teachers are aware of inclusive literature, integrate use of these books throughout the curriculum, and share their knowledge with others, they strengthen their programs, broaden children’s learning, and win supporters.”    E. Rowell, 2014

LGT-friendly picture books for Pre-K+, arranged by title

This collection is available in the display cases in the main lobby.