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HPE 202 - Community and Public Health Promotion

Electronic Resources & Technology Librarian, Liaison to School of Education - Associate Professor

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Kieran Ayton
Adams Library 404
Subjects: Education


City Health Report: Examine the health situation in a specified location by utilizing publicly available data, conduct academic research, recommend an evidence-based program to address the identified problem, and write a professional report.  Identify policies, programs, or system changes that will improve the public health challenges.

Step 1: Find RI City Specific Data Sources on Health Topic

Visit the the websites below to create a public health profile of your assigned city and identify a health-related priority. 

If your city focuses on on only one public health challenge, would should it be and why?


Start with PLACES (Interactive Map)

Step 2: Find Journal Articles on Evidence-Based Strategies to address your health topic

IMPORTANT: The journal articles you find DO NOT have to be about your city in RI.

They only have to be about the health issue itself, such as high blood pressure or smoking, etc.


AFTER you pick your health topic, you will research evidence-based recommendations (not more than 500 words): Describe 3 evidence-based strategies that you would recommend in order to address the priority health issues. 

  • This could be based on strategies or programs that have been successful in addressing a similar situation in a neighboring city or state. 

  • If you are unable to find a comparable program within or near RI, look for programs addressing the health challenges implemented anywhere in the US. 

  • Which agency or agencies should be in charge of the strategies you are proposing? Why? 

  • Cite at least 3 journal articles to support the programs/strategies being proposed.



Tips for Reading and Analyzing Journal Articles 

Step 3: Annotated Bibliography of journal articles from City Health Report

Write 200–250 words on each of the three cited resources. Here are the aspects you will focus on:

  1. Overall purpose/goal/objective(s)/aim(s) of the article or the research: what was the question they were trying to answer?

  2. Methods used to conduct the study, collect information, analyze information (you do not need to explain statistics)

  3. The main findings

  4. Conclusions and limitations of the study

  5. Your takeaways including what type of readers would find the article the most useful? (other researchers? students? practitioners? policy makers? the public?) 


After writing on each of the three cited sources, please provide a summary of not more than 50 words. Imagine that you are asked to provide the overall picture based on the three sources. Is there anything the articles/book chapter/book agree on? Are there facts or aspects where their findings and perspectives differ from each other?