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FYS 100 - Performance in First Person: This is ME! / Pennell, Stephen

Subjects: First Year Seminar


Hello, I'm the librarian who created this guide. Please contact me with questions or to schedule a research consultation.


Amy Barlow
Reference Librarian
James P. Adams Library

Welcome, first year students. 


This course guide contains a small group of recommended resources for finding information and data on unhoused and food insecure people in Rhode Island. To select data resources, the librarian applied the following criteria:

  1. The data must be relevant and local.
  2. The data must be as current as possible.
  3. The data must be collected by a credible agency.
  4. If available, the methodology for collecting the data must be evaluated.


Advocates for solutions to RI homelessness gather at CCRI

Advocates for solutions to homelessness gather at CCRI in November 2021. Image source: UpriseRI