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ELED 436 - Teaching Social Studies to Diverse Learners

Electronic Resources & Technology Librarian, Liaison to School of Education - Associate Professor

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Kieran Ayton
Adams Library 404
Subjects: Education

Research Study

Research Study IconAs part of the ELED 436 class, you will be writing class reflections and creating interdisciplinary units and presentations using the C3 Social studies framework. You will also be attending several library research sessions to help find materials for interdisciplinary unit creation.


There has been little research done about how academic librarians can work with K-12 preservice teachers and university professors to use the Association of College and Research Libraries Information Literacy Framework within the context of RI social studies standards and the inquiry-based C3 Social Studies Framework to develop interdisciplinary units. 


Dr. Gurjar and Kieran Ayton are conducting research on this topic. We would like to ask for your consent for us to use portions of your anonymized class reflections, interdisciplinary units, and interdisciplinary unit presentations, as well as our class observational discussion notes, produced for the ELED 436 Class. The purpose is for journal publication and presentations on the benefits of library research instruction with preservice teachers.


As part of this process, you will be asked to complete a very short 5-minute online anonymous demographic survey which includes your prior library use. Participation is voluntary and will not require additional class time. You may withdraw your participation at any time.