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Education related collections

Collections in Special Collections with an emphasis on education
Subjects: Special Collections

Collections with an emphasis on education

Please note that this list is not reflective of all our collections relating to education. Collections listed include correspondence discussing educational matters, curriculum and course work, photographs, school supply lists, and textbooks. We are in the process of continuing to describe our collections. Please contact Special Collections for further information or questions you may have.


Henry Barnard letters; 1846-1899 (bulk 1846-1853). MSS-0096. The collection contains a dozen original letters written by Henry Barnard in the mid-to-late nineteenth century. The educational matters are discussed in the letters. 


Samuel Brown bills for school supplies; 1865-1870. MSS-0108. The collection contains bills for school supplies purchased by Samuel Brown from various booksellers in the late nineteenth century.


Antonio de Jesus Cardozo papers; circa 1920-1985. MSS-0080. Personal papers of Antonio de Jesus Cardozo, an attorney and Cape Verdean immigrant who lived in Massachusetts. The collection contains records relating to the Fletcher School, which include admission requirements and scholarships, a library card, school calendar, courses and grades.


Maribelle Cormack papers; 1920-1972. MSS-0010. Papers of a published author, former director of the Roger Williams Museum of Natural History, and educator. The collection includes Cormack's coursework, curriculum for classes taught, lecture materials, and teaching slides. 


Michael DeCiantis papers; circa 1900-1980. MSS-0001. Papers of a Rhode Island lawyer and judge. A majority of the collection consists of information on Rhode Island politics, Rhode Island Family Court, and life in Rhode Island. The collection contains class notes taken by DeCiantis while at Boston University Law School.


Caroline DiOrio papers; 1940-1955. MSS-0031. Letters written to Caroline DiOrio by Clare Gomnes, who was superintendent of the Sophia Little Home, a residence for unmarried mothers, from 1948-1955. The collection also includes a watercolor sketch of Caroline DiOrio by Clare Gomnes, as well as a few letters from Olga Gomnes and Madeleine Hoagland.


Ingamar M. Alven Ducey papers; 1929-1931. MSS-0019. The collection consists of assignments created by Ingamar M. Alven Ducey while studying at the Yale School of Fine Arts in the early twentieth century.


Education book collection: Books relating to education in Rhode Island and includes school committee reports. This collection is browsable on the 4th floor hallway of Adams Library.


Helen Forman papers; circa 1920-1999. MSS-0034. Collection of materials from a Rhode Island College of Education graduate and local teacher, Helen Forman, which contains photographs, correspondence, and memorabilia. The collection includes yearly contracts and employment contracts for school in which Forman taught.


Mariposa records; 2005-2018. MSS-0025. Collected records from Mariposa, an after-school program that later became a preschool, including administrative documents, curriculum resources, and printed materials.


Barbara Mildram collection; 1930-1988. MSS-0029. Collection primarily containing academic articles and publications regarding early childhood education.


Nursing book collection: While this book collection contains books containing a varierty of subjects related to nursing, it also includes reports, studies, textbooks, and handbooks. Many of the items in the collection were donated by Rhode Island College professor Osky Cascone.


Florence Perkins papers; 1864-1903 (bulk 1895-1903). MSS-0016. The collection of a Rhode Island teacher and Rhode Island Normal School graduate (class of 1902).


Providence High School Girls Department Manuscripts of Examination; 1876. MSS-0116. Manuscripts of modern history examination papers of twenty-six girls attending Providence High School in 1876.


Rhode Island Association of Women Deans and Counselors records; 1950-1966. MSS-0015. Records from, and related to, the Rhode Island Association of Women Deans and Counselors.


Rhode Island Normal School. Columbian Exposition scrapbook; 1854-1893. CA-0013. The scrapbook depicts the Normal School's history through photographs of professors, students in classrooms, and classes in session. It was created to be sent to the Columbian Exposition held in Chicago circa 1893.


Carolyn R. Swift papers; 1956-1984 (bulk 1974-1984). MSS-0150. Collection consists of materials related to Carolyn R. Swift’s research, writing, teaching, and political advocacy, and correspondence related to those projects, which include feminist Shakespeare scholarship, ERA advocacy, and oral histories of Rhode Island women.


Textbook collection: A collection of historical textbooks dated circa 1831-1958.


Mary Tucker Thorp papers; 1928-1971. CA-0001. Papers of the former president of the Henry Barnard School in Providence, Rhode Island. 


Rhode Island School Superintendents Association records; 1903-1920. MSS-0103. The collection consists of meeting minutes documenting Rhode Island School Superintendents Association meetings from 1903-1920.


Rhode Island State Home and School records; 1885-2008 (bulk 1885-1960, 2001-2008). MSS-0039. The collection contains the records of, and relating to, the Rhode Island State Home and School. The records reflect the lives of the children who lived in the Home between the late nineteenth century to mid-twentieth century.


John J. Wilkinson book collection: Published materials, mostly education reports, removed from the John J. Wilkinson archival collection. 


John J. Wilkinson collection; 1876-2001 (bulk 1966-1980). MSS-0026. John J. Wilkinson’s collected research and documents relating to vocational-technical education in Rhode Island.


Digital Archivist and Special Collections Librarian

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Veronica Denison
Adams Library 413