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HIST 389W - History Matters III: Senior Research Project

Selected resources for research on HIST 389W topics (Fall 2023) Subjects: History
Subjects: History

About the Guide

This guide was developed in Fall 2023 by Cassidy Santos with contributions from librarians Amy Barlow and Patricia Brennan. Last updated: 9/29/23. Direct recommendations and questions to Amy Barlow (

About Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Beginning a research project can be a difficult task. If you need to learn background information about your subject in order to develop a better research question, an encyclopedia is a great place to start! The online resources and texts below are chosen specifically for this course, and are excellent resources to develop your knowledge of factual information about your selected subject.


Do note, however, that Encyclopedias and Dictionaries in Print available for in-library use only; if you need a digital resource, consult the online reference sources listed at the top of the page.

Online Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Reference texts in print are available for in library use only for several reasons. However, we understand you can't always make it in to the library in person. Here's a few selected online reference sources you can use anywhere.


Encyclopedias and Dictionaries in Print