Popular EBSCO library databases such as Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, CINAHL, and SOCIndex have updated to a new look and user experience.


Listen to Articles

Most PDFs and HTML full text articles are now available as text-to-speech. You can download an MP3 version of the article or listen to it online. 



A screenshot of a web page
Look for the headphone icon to listen to articles



Limit Your Search Results

Previously, search result sorting tools such as “Peer Reviewed,” “Full Text,” or “Date Range” were on the left side of your search results. Now these tools have moved to the top of your search results.


A screenshot of search limit buttons
Use buttons to limit your articles results by publication date and source type




Save Articles and Searches

You will notice the left bar has changed, allowing you to easily save articles and whole searches and add them to a “projects” folders.



A screenshot of a web page

Description automatically generated
Save articles and lists of search results in folders




How to Bookmark Links 

Please be careful when bookmarking links from the top of the screen in the URL bar. To access these links later on, you will be prompted to login to a personal EBSCO database account that you create. Please reach out to Kieran Ayton, Electronic Resources Librarian, for help at kayton@ric.edu.


A screenshot of a URL in browser bar
Create an EBSCO account to bookmark links. An EBSCO account in separate from your myRIC account.